Health and Safety

UPDATE sept 2021
Please be rest assured that a cleaning schedule will still be kept and a freshly washed gown will still be provided for each household.
PCR tests are taken by myself twice a week.
If you would like to continue to wear a mask please let me know and I will wear one also.
COVID-19 July 2020
There will be some extra safety precautions for as long as needed to keep all of you, myself and my family safe so please have a read and if you have any queries let me know.
All households will have a freshly washed and sealed gown, if there is a shortage then a disposable cape will be provided instead.
All combs are freshly disinfected in between clients using hospital grade barbicide. Clippers and other tools will be cleaned with barbicide spray. If there is a shortage a suitable alternative cleaning solution of the same grade will be used.
I will be wearing PPE this will include a mask, visor, apron and gloves when needed.
I will use my own hand sanitizer when entering and leaving.
All used items kept in 'dirty box' and clean items in a separate sealed bag.
During a colour process I will wait in my car this will give me a chance to have refreshments, a break from the mask, disinfect items used, aswell as reducing contact time.
What I am asking from you is...
Cancel if you or any of your household have any symptoms of ANY illness even a cough or cold if I arrive and you are ill I will refuse service and you will loose your deposit.
You will need to wear a face mask if you do not have one or would prefer a disposable one,I can provide you with one. Let me know when you book your appointment.
I respectfully require all clients to have freshly washed hair unless you have asked me to wash it for you.
Please can we just have one person at a time in the room, a parent can stay with a child.
These is all subject to industry guidelines and may change.
Thank you for your co operation during this difficult time